Btg Meaning Military - Battalion tactical group [batalonnaya takticheskaya gruppa] is a temporary formation for solving certain operational tasks. BTG is a reinforced battalion with all necessary reinforcements. Each BTG consists of 700-800 people and some - 900 people. As a rule, there are two such battalion groups in each brigade and regiment. The battalion tactical group is a temporary unit. It is built for battle. A BTG is structured around a motorized rifle or tank battalion and subordinate artillery, antiaircraft, engineer, and other specialized units necessary to accomplish the assigned combat mission. It consists of a motorized infantry company(s), 2-4 tanks, ATGMs, mortars, reconnaissance, engineering and rear platoon. It can be covered by fire support helicopters, section artillery and a platoon of anti-aircraft guns.

In order to adjust the situation of the Russian army, restore combat activity and adapt to the Russian state system in the new era, the Russian army has undergone several military reforms. The last military reform was completed by the current Minister of Defense Šoigu. According to the ideas of Shoigu's military reform, the Russian army abandoned the previously bloated system of formation of large forces and turned to the direction reform of a more complex "battalion tactical group". A new type of Russian army battle created according to this idea focuses entirely on the battalion tactical group. Thus, the flexibility of the Russian army has been greatly increased, and the level of leadership has also been improved.

Btg Meaning Military

Btg Meaning Military

However, the problem with this is that a tactical joint battalion often needs to cooperate with a large number of services and weapons to fight, and it is difficult for officers at the battalion commander level to coordinate clearly, so there are senior officers. Commanding multiple joint tactical battalions, even commanding a battalion tactical group. Due to this, these senior Russian military personnel had to go to the front line and lead the battle.

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For example, Major General Andrei Sukhovitsky and Major General Vitaly Gerasimov, who died in March 2022, were killed by Ukrainian snipers while leading the battle on the front. Therefore, this war also reminded the Russian army and the world's military circles that even in modern warfare, the security awareness of senior officers should not be relaxed. So this is the real reason for the constant death of Russian generals. Senior generals moved to the front line to act as battalion commanders. On the one hand, it was a real battle test of Russia's military reforms, but on the other hand, it also highlighted the problems of Russia's military reforms. Just the loss of a few generals does not mean that the Ukrainian army has won or the Russian army has lost. It depends on the final outcome of the war between Russia and Ukraine, whether the Russian army can completely destroy the main force of the Ukrainian army in the eastern part of Ukraine, or whether the Ukrainian army can finally resist the attack of the Russian army. and can force. Russian army to retreat.

Such BTGs are built in advance, in peacetime. They are fully equipped with military and military equipment and personnel, and most importantly, the positions of soldiers and sergeants are filled with contract military personnel. There are no "conscripts" in such BTGs. Even abroad, it is possible to add immediately usable BTGs to the battle in just a few hours.

They have a company of soldiers, tanks, mortars and an artillery battery. In addition, air formations, special forces groups and other units can be attached to enable them to perform assigned combat missions. To achieve current goals, specific weapons (for example, VSS "Vintorez") may be issued.

The tactical group of a battalion formed in a motorized rifle brigade includes: management and staff; Motorized Weapons Battalion; two tank companies; Howitzer self-propelled artillery battalion; Reaction Artillery Battalion Reaction Artillery Battery; ATGM squad of the anti-tank artillery battalion; Artillery Command Battery and Reconnaissance Department (Chief of Artillery); air defense brigade commander command and radar intelligence group; Anti-Aircraft Missile Division Anti-Aircraft Missile Battery; the anti-aircraft missile group of the air defense division's MANPADS; two short-range UAV teams from the Intelligence Company, Intelligence Battalion; sniper company sniper squad; Engineer Battalion Heavy Mechanized Bridge Section Engineer Group, Obstacle Group; Security Company RCB Flamethrower Squad; EW Company EW Maneuver Group; Communications Company of the Communications Battalion; the command group of the command company, the evacuation group of the repair and restoration battalion (armored), two car groups of the material support battalion (ammunition and fuel transport); Medical company evacuation department.

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Such an entity is responsible for an area up to 10 km deep. During a defensive combat operation, a battle position with a front of 5-8 km and a depth of up to 5 km can be determined. According to a rough estimate, the advance range of the Russian battalion groups is 250 km. A large-scale operation by the RF Armed Forces cannot be undertaken without extensive logistical preparation. The BTG significantly increased the level of unit autonomy and gave the command staff greater freedom of choice (battalion commander positions were often occupied by officers with the rank of major and lieutenant colonel). The widespread use of battalion tactical groups led to a “decrease in command and communication between the group headquarters and the tactical units actually fighting.

As of December 2020, there were 144 battalion tactical groups (BTGs) for immediate use in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. There are 168 battalion-tactical groups in the Russian Armed Forces, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on August 10, 2021. Territory of Meanings Youth Education Forum. "We don't have anyone to gather or look for today, we have everything in constant preparation. We have such a formation - a battalion tactical group. They are the ones who pressed the button and are ready to leave the gate in an hour. We have 168 of them today, and that is a very large number," Šoigu said.

"The minister spoke about groups of immediate use, which are fully equipped and unrecruited. In modern conditions, they must be formed in advance, they are uniform in composition and means of reinforcement. It is difficult for them to say that it was created for specific tasks, but it is a universal tool ", which can be added immediately . Is it a lot or a little? This number is in line with our budget possibilities, mainly in terms of personnel. The number of contract soldiers - soldiers and sergeants should increase to 500 thousand people in the future, which will also increase the number of combat-ready groups," said military expert Victor Murakhovsky, retired colonel, editor-in-chief of Isamaa Arsenal. magazine, profile. told a journalist in an interview.

Btg Meaning Military

Regiments and brigades have a permanent organizational structure that facilitates day-to-day operations, combat training, logistics, etc. However, in combat and operations, they do not use organizational structures, but form a battle with the aim of fulfilling existing combat tasks. Example: front, first echelon, second echelon, anti-tank reserve, etc. A detailed description of the elements of battle organization in different battle types is given in the battle manual.

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The battalion tactical group is an innovation in warfare. Something similar happened earlier, but in its current form it took shape relatively recently - since 2014, during the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. The first examples of the use of armored personnel carriers date back to World War II. During and after World War II, this structure was actively used by the armed forces of the United States and other NATO countries. In the Russian military, armored personnel carriers began to be widely used during the conflicts in Chechnya, and then during the five-day "War of 888" with Georgia. The main advantage of the BTGr is the ability to organize the cooperation of different units - tanks, motorized rifles, artillery, etc. - without spending time on combat coordination, because the exercises have already been negotiated.

The formation of the BTG in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began under the leadership of Anatoly Serdyukov, who served as the Minister of Defense from 2007 to 2012, and is remembered for its extensive exposure to Western experience. It was he who initiated the change in the brigade system. Serdyukov impatiently "pulled together" - to form a brigade. Instead of raising regiments, he cut the division, which of course earned him the best reputation in the army. When Sergei Shoigu settled on the bank of Frunzenskaya, a reverse process began, during which the artificially and randomly fragmented military units were increased.

The battalion tactical group, as well as the reconnaissance and strike model of operations, is built on the close interaction of unmanned aerial vehicles with firearms that

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